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Hande Kılıç

How Can I Use TikTok For My Etsy Shop Social media

How Can I Use TikTok For My Etsy Shop?

The online marketplace for antique and handmade goods, Etsy, is borrowing specific strategies from TikTok. The two incredibly dissimilar businesses recently forged a professional alliance and are teaming up on some significant new features.

Hande Kılıç
Hande Kılıç August 10, 2023
Reviews on Etsy Guides

How to Get More Reviews on Etsy

Tapping into Etsy’s extensive user base is a wise business move, especially if you sell unique products. While your products are guaranteed to attract qualified leads on the platform, success is not inevitable. You still have to work and strategically position your Etsy shop, secure more sales, and keep customers returning for more.

Hande Kılıç
Hande Kılıç September 8, 2023
Learn How To Sell Art Online Guides

Learn How To Sell Art Online

“I spent 500 hours on this artwork and have put my heart and soul into it. Don’t just scroll down; please like and comment – it would mean a lot to me.” You might have seen posts like these showcasing amazing sculptures or artworks on Instagram.

Hande Kılıç
Hande Kılıç September 4, 2023
Roketfy AI Writer vs ChatGPT Marketing

Roketfy AI Writer vs ChatGPT | Etsy Content Writers

Now almost all of us keep on saying the artificial intelligence. Of course, it is obvious that artificial intelligence, which takes place in our minds like our favorite songs and movies, also makes our lives easier. Artificial intelligence, which works wonders in many areas from creating impressive visuals and designs to writing literary and academic texts and even coding, is also managing to show its stature in the field of e-commerce.

Hande Kılıç
Hande Kılıç August 1, 2023
Mastering Affiliate Marketing Guides

Mastering Affiliate Marketing: Your Essential Beginner’s Guide

What is affiliate marketing? How does it help you to generate income? Affiliate marketing has become an excellent approach to monetize your website traffic and generate extra income. Whatever your specialization or field is, you can take advantage of their flexible revenue process.

Hande Kılıç
Hande Kılıç August 17, 2023
Comprehensive Analysis Guides

Comprehensive Analysis of Horizontal and Vertical Approaches

People’s definition of eCommerce is often limited to “selling online.” Not knowing the different variants that are present, they try to do everything to make their product prevalent in the virtual domain. However, their haphazard efforts often don’t yield results since they need to know they are playing with either one or both eCommerce techniques – horizontal and vertical eCommerce.

Hande Kılıç
Hande Kılıç September 10, 2023
7 Smart Tools to Hеlp Improve Your Social Mеdia Branding Marketing

7 Smart Tools to Hеlp Improve Your Social Mеdia Branding

In today’s fast-paced digital landscapе, effective social media branding is a crucial еlеmеnt for е-commеrcе succеss. As digital SMEs navigate thе intricaciеs of onlinе markеtplacеs likе Etsy, optimizing their social media prеsеncе bеcomеs paramount.

Hande Kılıç
Hande Kılıç September 12, 2023
Discover the Best-Selling Items on Etsy Guides

Discover the Best-Selling Items on Etsy in 2024

Are you an enthusiast or seller looking to explore what the top selling Etsy items are? Dive deep into the world of the most popular items on Etsy and uncover the best-selling ones that are taking the online marketplace by storm in 2024.

Hande Kılıç
Hande Kılıç September 18, 2023
10 Ways to Boost Your Instagram Organic Growth Social media

10 Ways to Boost Your Instagram Organic Growth

Instagram’s over 2 billion monthly active users place it among the top five social media platforms. Since launching in 2010, Instagram has steadily gained new and maintained a notable loyal user base. Imagine tapping into such an extensive pool and amassing organic followers for your brand.

Hande Kılıç
Hande Kılıç September 20, 2023
How to Find Low-Competition Etsy Niches Guides

How to Find Low-Competition Etsy Niches

If you understand how to identify the most popular themes, selling on Etsy may be simple and rewarding. After all, you can’t be confident your business will be profitable if you’re not convinced there’s a high demand for the things you’re selling.

Hande Kılıç
Hande Kılıç September 24, 2023
How to Write a Title on Etsy Guides

How to Write a Title on Etsy?

If you’re into handmade, craft, or vintage items, Etsy is a great online marketplace to sell your unique items. You can easily list and sell on Etsy during your free time, increase sales, and even turn your online selling endeavors into more than a side hustle.

Hande Kılıç
Hande Kılıç September 28, 2023
Print on Demand Production Marketing

Best Etsy Approved Print on Demand Production Partners

Etsy wins on many fronts when considering the best marketplace to sell your unique craft. The platform significantly pushes those unique, especially handmade items. If you’re considering exploring your creative side and monetizing it on Etsy, you can use Roketfy’s Product Research feature to uncover the in-demand items.

Hande Kılıç
Hande Kılıç October 9, 2023
Black Friday Marketing

13 Black Friday Promotion Ideas for Etsy Sellers

Black Friday is, without question, the day of the year when many stores, both online and offline, see the highest deals. Etsy follows the same standards as any other online marketplace. The year’s single-largest sales event is now almost around the corner. Prepare your Etsy shop for the upcoming Black Friday and Cyber Monday (BFCM) sales events.

Hande Kılıç
Hande Kılıç October 10, 2023
Common Mistakes Etsy Sellers Make Guides

7 Common Mistakes Etsy Sellers Make & How To Fix Them

The current competitive market has made it challenging for many Etsy sellers to stand out from large crowds of sellers in the market. As it is known today that Etsy is the best platform for selling handmade and vintage products, an essential thing a great seller can do is ensure that your Etsy shop has high standards.

Hande Kılıç
Hande Kılıç October 13, 2023
Who Should Use Pattern by Etsy Guides

Who Should Use Pattern by Etsy? Pros and Cons for Sellers

For a long time, Etsy has served as a vibrant platform for artisans, crafters and other small merchants to exhibit and sell their special handmade and vintage products. But nowadays the markets are overcrowded and vendors require more than just a high-quality product.

Hande Kılıç
Hande Kılıç October 15, 2023
6 Ways to Use ChatGPT For Your Etsy Shop Guides

6 Ways to Use ChatGPT For Your Etsy Shop

Increasing your sales on Etsy is one thing, and profitability is a different story. Efficiency is the key to growing profits. It is an area more sellers continue to acknowledge and, in their efforts to optimize operations, incorporate automation into their ecosystem.

Hande Kılıç
Hande Kılıç October 19, 2023
How To Write Etsy Shop About Section Guides

How To Write Etsy Shop About Section

The challenge of creating impact is daunting for Etsy sellers, who must compete against tens of millions of handmade crafts seeking attention from taste-driven shoppers. There can be a fine line in this delicate balance between artistic flair and selling stuff, but much attention gets heaped on how your products get presented (or how awesome your shop’s overall look is). But central among the beautiful inventory and stunning product photography is an often underrated yet indispensable aspect of your Etsy storefront—the “About Section”.

Hande Kılıç
Hande Kılıç October 21, 2023
Efficient Dead Stock Handling Guides

Efficient Dead Stock Handling: Your Ultimate Guide

Within an Etsy shop, thеrе is a word that typically makes shop ownеrs nеrvous: “dеad stock.” Dеad stock, also known as outdatеd invеntory or difficult-to-sеll itеms, represents products that havе lost thеir attractivеnеss, grown lеss rеlеvant, or arе just slow-moving. Dеad stock not only takes up valuablе virtual shеlf spacе, but it may also tiе up your cash rеsourcеs, potentially putting Etsy shop ownеrs out of businеss.

Hande Kılıç
Hande Kılıç October 23, 2023
Social Media and Ecommerce Social media

Building Social Media Strategies to Grow Ecommerce Business

This article will guide you, providing invaluable answers to questions related to using social media to maximize your online business’s potential. And along the way, we shall induct you to how we at Roketfy can help you in any way.

Hande Kılıç
Hande Kılıç June 22, 2023
What to Sell on Etsy on Father’s Day? Marketing

What to Sell on Etsy on Father’s Day?

Are you considering setting up an Etsy shop and deciding what to sell? Father’s Day is an excellent opportunity to reach a receptive audience if you follow our suggestions.

Hande Kılıç
Hande Kılıç June 13, 2023
Custom Ecommerce Packaging: Why It’s Important and How to Get Started Guides

Custom Ecommerce Packaging: Why It’s Important and How to Get Started

Sellers need to discover methods to distinguish themselves from the competition and create a positive impression on their consumers in the fiercely competitive world of e-commerce. One often overlooked aspect that can greatly impact is custom ecommerce packaging.

Hande Kılıç
Hande Kılıç June 6, 2023
10 High Demand Products That Will Make You Money in 2024 Marketing

10 High Demand Products That Will Make You Money in 2024

It is clear now that every entrepreneur needs to understand the status of the current market and to succeed in e-commerce, you need to work with high demand products. However, you need high demand products to sell, the drive to grow, and the skills to market them.

Hande Kılıç
Hande Kılıç February 26, 2023
The Ultimate Guide to Etsy Advertising: Tips, Tricks, and Best Practices Guides

The Ultimate Guide to Etsy Advertising: Tips, Tricks, and Best Practices in 2024

If you are an Etsy seller seeking expansion opportunities, Etsy could be the right place. Due to its vast reach, Etsy has quickly become the platform of choice for small business owners. Etsy may make selling easier, but success requires more than listing products and waiting for sales to come your way.

Hande Kılıç
Hande Kılıç May 23, 2023
How to Use Email Marketing to Grow Your Etsy Business Marketing

How to Use Email Marketing to Grow Your Etsy Business

As an Etsy seller, you understand how essential it is to stand out in an increasingly saturated online business environment. One effective strategy to do so is through email marketing. Collecting a list of your subscribers and sending directed emails can increase sales while building your brand and cultivating loyal customer relations. In this article, we’ll look at Etsy email strategies as a means of expanding your business.

Hande Kılıç
Hande Kılıç May 16, 2023