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Keyword Research

With real-time data and the most accurate suggestions, discover the best-fit keywords for listings to become more visible to your potential customers.

roketfy keyword research image
What is Keyword Research?


Introducing the best keyword tool with user-oriented, simple, and fast query results. Discover the most accurate keywords with unique data. Whether you want to improve your Etsy SEO or do your Etsy market research in the best way. Observe unique visitors, competition, trends, and other data in one place.

Get started


Observe the search volumes of the keyword in past times with graphs. View the trend according to both Etsy data and Google data.

unique visitor

Unique Visitor

Learning the unique visitor of the keyword you are researching makes your analysis stronger. The more unique visitors there are, the more likely you are to drive traffic to your Etsy store.

new keyword ideas

New Keyword Ideas

Discover new keywords similar to the keyword you are researching. 73% of Etsy sellers who conducted keyword research said they evaluated new keyword ideas and deepened their analysis.

volume and competition

Volume & Competition

Of course, you should view the volume of the keyword you are analyzing. We looked at this a little deeper. Don't forget to check out the competition!

listing attributes

Top Listings

Discover the top 48, 100, and 500 best-listed products for the keyword you are researching. View estimated sales data for these products and the most used tag. Make a listing in the right category with this result in which category more products have been added.

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to frequently asked questions about the Roketfy’s features.

How does Keyword Research with Roketfy improve my store’s visibility?

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Roketfy’s Keyword Research tool provides real-time data and accurate keyword suggestions for Etsy to enhance your store’s visibility and attract more potential customers.

How Does Etsy Keyword Research Work? Do you collect my shop information?

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We process millions of raw data collected on Etsy and Google to deliver the best results. Don’t worry, we don’t collect your store data because we don’t ask for your Etsy API connection.

How to Use Etsy Keyword Research?

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Enter the keyword you are researching. Choose according to the top 48, 100, and 500 best listed products. Choose which country you want to research and start the research.

How is Etsy Keyword Research Different from Other Tools?

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It does not need your API connection. It saves you time with its user-friendly interface and speed. It also has analysis data that is different from other tools. For example (Unique Visitors, Number of Views, Analysis by Different Countries, Only Etsy Results, etc.)