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How Can I Use TikTok For My Etsy Shop?

The online marketplace for antique and handmade goods, Etsy, is borrowing specific strategies from TikTok. The two incredibly dissimilar businesses recently forged a professional alliance and are teaming up on some significant new features.

How Can I Use TikTok For My Etsy Shop

TikTok has more than 1.06 billion active users worldwide, 53% female and 46% male. How does this affect you as a merchant, then? We’re going to look at how Etsy is adapting to TikTok today and what this implies for Etsy sales in the future.

Why Should Etsy Sellers Use TikTok, and What Is It?

To begin with, TikTok marketing is swiftly rising to the top of the social media heap. It is a rapidly expanding short-form video social networking site that enables users to submit videos of up to three minutes to please their followers.

Take a quick peek at Facebook. With Instagram Reels, they are making every effort to keep up with the growing threat of TikTok and short-form videos.

Video is currently not a novel feature for Etsy sellers. Sellers have had access to submit listing videos to their businesses since 2016. However, the year 2021 has shown that quick, ingestible video content is now the norm across all social media platforms.

How to Use TikTok For Etsy?

You must create an account before you can start producing content for TikTok. It makes sense to get a free business account if you intend to utilize it to advertise your Etsy store.

Similar to other platforms, a business account grants you access to extra features that might not be available to regular users, such as performance and audience data, the Business Content Guide and Video Showcase, as well as the TikTok Commercial Music Library, which has 150K+ pre-approved, unrestricted sounds you can use on your uploaded material.

How Can I Create a TikTok Account?

The first and probably, most crucial step in your TikTok journey is setting up your account. Spend time thinking about your other social media platforms to make sure your brand identity is coherent.

To proceed, you must consider the following:

  • Username – Your TikTok credentials should match all of your other social media handles, including that of your physical store. No matter what platform consumers utilize, consistency is the key to achieving seamless brand recognition.

You have three choices for your profile picture here:

  1. Your company’s logo
  2. Your face
  3. one of your items
  • Bio – In a few lines, you need to make sure that people can sum up who you are and what you do. 
  • Links – Include a direct link to your Etsy store and a special email address for customer inquiries. It’s possible that you should also link to your other social network accounts.

How Exactly Do I Begin Posting on TikTok?

You’ll probably want to start posting as soon as you create your account. But it’s essential to first consider the following:

  • Lighting – Since TikTok is a video-sharing app, you must make sure your videos are of the highest caliber. Proper illumination is crucial. If you photograph the products for Etsy yourself, you probably already have a good light source. 
  • Clear Audio– Use a voiceover, talk in the video, or a currently popular sound for the audio.
  • Intriguing Idea – If you’re struggling to think of one, don’t worry. Later, we’ll speak about some fantastic TikTok video concepts. To provide you with the best content ideas on the planet, we have identified the top Etsy Seller TikTok artists.

5 TikTok Videos Suggestions for Tackling Barriers to Creativity

Trying to unleash your creative side can get challenging before gaining momentum on the type of content best viewed by your customers. Either you have lots of ideas or none at all. Regardless of which group you belong to, try not to overthink it! When you’re having fun, everything goes more smoothly.

Why not give a few of these video ideas a shot?

1. Your Creative Process on Etsy

Users of TikTok appreciate the procedure. On Etsy, customers only see the finished product.  Viewers on TikTok want to watch how you, the seller make your products, the materials you use, and the attention you give to each one. I promise they’ll devour your “watch me make” material.

2. Tips for Small Businesses

There are many tiny enterprises on the platform. Why not share any advice you may have on how to manage a business with others? Undoubtedly, there will be someone out there who needs or wants to hear your point of view on certain topics.

Here are a few small business advice items you could share:

  • Maintain your focus –  In other words, don’t overextend yourself. Maintain your commitment while optimizing your offerings for your niche.
  • Prioritize customer service – Having a good “bedside manner” will enable you to build long-lasting relationships with your clients.
  • Welcoming criticism – It’s okay if not everyone likes you. Never attack others, always accept constructive criticism.

You might also wish to offer advice on your business’s more niche aspects, like the manufacturing process. If your medium is difficult to use, others could be having trouble. People will remain interested if you give them useful information.

3. Packing Orders

Watching small business owners packaging their goods may be quite fulfilling. People love to see how everything is done with such care, patience, and genuine passion for what they do. Once you’ve acquired some attention, post this kind of TikTok. It’s a good idea to reveal your methods and goods first to gain followers who know your mission.

It’s advised only to utilize eco-friendly packaging. Know your plan to showcase it on TikTok. You don’t want to lose your well-earned following over plastic since many consumers are considering using environmentally friendly alternatives instead of plastic.

4. Previews of New Products

People enjoy seeing a sneak preview of your most recent creations. Show off your product before you offer it, and provide a link to the product page once it is available.

To discover how other startups on TikTok are showcasing their new products to the world and how much traction they receive, have a look at their videos. You might be taken aback by the intensity of focus.

Make them crave for more. Consider showcasing a few key areas of your new product. In this manner, the big reveal will be even more intriguing.

5. In a Day’s Life

Let’s be honest. Everyone is obtrusive. People are curious to hear about your day regardless of who you are or what you do. You can share them on TikTok without spending much of the day holding a camera up, which is the ideal spot. 

With just one video that is no longer than 180 seconds, you may showcase all the important moments from your day with the least amount of work. You can also do tutorials, such as how to shop on TikTok. 


When starting off, the more content you generate, the better. And keep in mind that it doesn’t have to be flawless! You will keep learning about the tools when you use them. You’ll gain greater visibility for your material and better understand what is doing the best for your channel if you publish more frequently. 

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