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How To Write Etsy Descriptions (With AI Support)

Thanks to Etsy, many side hustlers and creative entrepreneurs are breaking free from the traditional work world and achieving financial independence. Etsy provides a powerful algorithm, a massive audience, and a robust selection of simple tools to help creative people open up stores and profit from their passions.

How To Write Etsy Descriptions (With AI Support)

How To Write Etsy Descriptions

However, making money on Etsy isn’t as simple as listing your products and waiting for orders. Growing an Etsy store requires a strong product, a thorough strategy, and lots of hard work.

One of the most essential parts of making money on Etsy is writing Etsy product descriptions that are searchable and likely to convert customers. Read on to learn how to write Etsy product descriptions that will actually sell.

How To Make A Good Etsy Listing

Etsy provides a ton of tools to help your listings populate in search results. The biggest mistake most Etsy shop owners make is ignoring these Etsy tools.

While it might not be fun to apply tags and categorize your items, these tasks can make a world of difference in how much you manage to sell on Etsy. 

Here’s a brief list of tips and tools we’ll cover in this article:

  • Product Titles
  • Product Descriptions
  • Product Photos and Videos

How To Write A Good Product Title For Etsy

The best Etsy product titles strike a careful balance between Etsy SEO and copywriting best practices. Your goal in crafting a product title is to make it searchable and clickable. 

Here’s a piece of advice from Etsy on how to write a strong product title: “Include keywords that buyers would use to search for your item.”

This is standard SEO practice. Your product title doesn’t just tell customers what you’re selling, it also tells the Etsy algorithm what your product is and who will be searching for it.

Here are a few tips for Etsy product titles: 

  • Use keywords: You can use up to 140 characters, so describe your product thoroughly and concisely with lots of targetted keywords
  • Tailor to users: Customers will only see the first 30–60 characters of your title, so tailor the beginning of your title to human readers
  • Clear beats clever: a clever product name might look cool, but a clear and highly descriptive one will sell more

When you’re selecting your keywords, spend some time typing related terms into the Etsy search bar and taking note of what the algorithm suggests. Also, search the terms that you want your products to populate under and take note of how your top competitors name their products.

How To Write Good Etsy Product Descriptions

Your Etsy product descriptions work together with your product titles to attract customers and convince them to buy your products. 

Similar to your product titles, you want to pack your product descriptions with relevant long-tail keywords to help them populate when users are searching for products in your categories.

However, the best product descriptions are optimized for human readers. That means, in your product descriptions, you should do more than just describe your product – you should also give Etsy users several reasons to purchase your product instead of your competitors’ products.

Writing to trigger reader action is called copywriting. Good copywriting is less about Etsy SEO and more about highlighting benefits, demonstrating social proof, and fostering buyer confidence.

Here are a few tips for writing Etsy product descriptions:

  • Focus on benefits, not features: don’t just tell customers that your shirts are made of cotton – tell them that your shirts are comfortable, durable, and stylish so that your customers can look good and feel good too when they wear your shirts
  • Demonstrate social proof: if you’ve already delighted some customers, carve out some time to chat with them and find out what they loved about your products, then weave pieces of those interviews into your product descriptions as evidence of your quality
  • Foster buyer confidence: online shopping is hard, so make it easier for your customers to say “Yes!” by including a satisfaction guarantee in every listing. By offering returns and refunds, you make customers feel safer when buying your products

Remember, when you’re writing your Etsy product descriptions, you’re writing for humans with fears and needs. Good copywriting demonstrates how you can relieve people’s fears and meet their needs.

How To Take Good Etsy Product Photos

Top Etsy sellers tend to have one critical thing in common: excellent product photos. In the world of online shopping, customers can’t see your products face-to-face. For that reason, it’s harder to inspire buyer confidence. Great photos help with that.

A good Etsy product listing will feature multiple product photos that demonstrate the size of the item, how it can be used, what varieties are available, and which qualities distinguish this item from the competition.

Here are a few tips to optimize your product photos for Etsy:

  • Size comparison: show the size of your item by taking a photo of it next to a common household object, a measuring tape, or a ruler, so that buyers won’t be surprised by the size of the item when it arrives
  • Show every angle: for large, 3 dimensional objects, make sure you show the entirety of the object – front, back, sides, top, and bottom
  • Highlight details: include photos that highlight details your customers might not notice at a glance 
  • Show off item variations: if your product is available in several sizes of colorways, include photos that show every variety, not just the main one
  • Show how to use the product: include photos of your product in action so that buyers can imagine themselves using it
  • Include aspirational and inspirational photos: if you are selling an item that customers can use, like craft supplies or workout clothes, include photos that show what customers could accomplish with your products

How To Write Etsy Listings With AI

Building a large, successful Etsy shop takes a lot of time. For that reason, listing maintenance can often fall to the bottom of the priority list as shop owners focus on managing money, fulfilling orders, and handling customer service.

As a result, many sellers lose out on sales opportunities because their listings aren’t competitive. Artificial intelligence helps Etsy store owners save time and make more money by automatically optimizing Etsy descriptions based on market trends and competitor activity.

If you have a great product but struggle to manage the fine details of your Etsy shop, Roketfy can help you reach more customers and waste less time with the power of artificial intelligence. Meet Roketfy AI Writer for free for 14 days and generate SEO-friendly descriptions for your products on Etsy.