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Alura vs Roketfy: All Feature Comparison

If you are selling or planning to sell on Etsy, you should definitely do market research and constantly follow your competitors. It is not enough; you should also make the most appropriate listing for the Etsy algorithm.

Alura vs Roketfy: All Feature Comparison

This is very important for both Etsy SEO and Google SEO. In this blog post, we will compare Alura and Roketfy Etsy tools where you can track data such as product research, SEO and competitor analysis. Let’s get started! 🙌🏻

What is Alura? How does it work?

Alura is one of the Etsy tools to grow your Etsy shop. You can use it as freemium and your monthly rights are renewed. If you want to buy it, you need to pay a minimum of $29.99 per month. To use Alura smoothly, you need to connect your Etsy shop with the API.

What is Roketfy? How does it work?

Roketfy is an all-inclusive tool for Etsy sellers. What does that mean? On the one hand, you can critique your SEO status; on the other hand you can do your market and keyword research with the fastest and most reliable data. No need to connect an API; you can use it for free for 14 days. After 14 days, you can continue your plan for $24.

Now let’s see what the features of Alura and Roketfy are and compare them respectively. 👇🏻

To sell your products, you need to reach the right customers. To reach the right customers, you need to choose the right keywords. In Roketfy and Alura, this feature appears with different names. Roketfy Keyword Research x Alura Keyword Finder.

Roketfy Keyword Research x Alura Keyword Finder 

Roketfy’s Keyword Research vs Alura’s Keyword Finder

Roketfy offers different data and smart features from Alura. Let’s explain this step by step: 

1- Query Screen: Roketfy and Alura offer queries to be made by different countries in this area. However, Alura does not allow the selection of the top listing. 

Deepening the analysis according to the top listing offers you better strategies. Also, query speed is valuable for your time. Roketfy does it in 3 seconds, Alura takes a bit longer.

2- Query Results: When we look at Roketfy’s and Alura’s results, the data seems to be consistent with the 500 top list. It should be noted that you can only analyze 1000 top listings in Alura. 

Rokety Keyword Research offers the following privileges:

  • Unique visit data
  • Search trends according to Etsy and Google
  • Result on a simpler screen
  • Forecasting for the coming months

In addition, it is important to underline that the Keyword Ideas area has a simpler and more understandable structure in Roketfy. Data such as popularity and competition are clearer.

So Why Choose Roketfy Keyword Research?

Roketfy stands out more in the comparison between Alura Keyword Finder and Roketfy Keyword Research tools. Roketfy gives better results and is superior in terms of ease of use, query speed and unique data. Also, on the pricing side, it is 20% cheaper than Alura.

Roketfy Listing Checker x Alura Listing Helper 

At the beginning of our article, we mentioned that you needed to add products in accordance with the Etsy algorithm. Roketfy Listing Checker and Alura Listing Helper solve this problem. Let’s explain the privileges offered by Roketfy step by step.

  • Alura pulls products directly from the API. In Roketfy, you do this by copying the products you want to analyze; your Etsy product link. This will eliminate your security concerns. (Your store information is not collected.)
  • If you want to make more consistent analyzes, you should definitely enter keywords related to your product. This makes the analysis more accurate and you will get more proper results.
  • They have a similar structure when we compare them in terms of interface and usage. Roketfy gives this with more checklists.
  • When going into the details of the analysis, Roketfy provides the following: AI Title Suggestion & Different SEO Criteria (Image Alt Text, Costumer Succes Experience)

Roketfy Product Research x Alura Product Research 

Roketfy offers a single sub-feature here, while our competitor Alura offers three more. (Seeker, Shop Analyzer, and Extension)

Free plans provide 3 queries on Roketfy. You have 10 query rights in Alura.

Now let’s compare this smart feature in detail. 

  • Both Roketfy and Alura have done a successful job in terms of interface. Simple and understandable.
  • The usage is similar; the filters are very close to each other. Alura has added a “Country” selection in this field.
  • In the results, Roketfy focuses more on daily sales, while Alura focuses more on the total number. In addition, both tools give query results quickly.
  • Together with Shop Analyzer and Extension, Alura offers the opportunity to detail the analysis in this area. 

Roketfy Product Description Writer x Alura Product Description Writer 

Roketfy’s Product Description Writer vs Alura’s Product Description Writer

One of the most critical areas of the Etsy SEO checklist is writing an accurate product description. In this smart feature, Roketfy and Alura aim to print product descriptions with artificial intelligence support. Roketfy allows you to produce six descriptions in the free plan; we could not reach this information in Alura. 

Now let’s quickly compare the two tools.

  • Alura offers this service under AI Assistant. As with other smart features, Roketfy has made AI Writer available in a separate area.
  • In Roketfy, if there are products you have previously added to Listing Checker, you can directly select those products and proceed to the description generation step. In Alura, you are asked to mention the product and optionally enter keywords.
  • When you want to generate a description in Roketfy, you should enter keywords and choose a language. The most accurate description is produced when the right keywords are used.
  • While you get the most accurate and consistent results on Roketfy, it can be a bit opposite on Alura. Also, you can save the content you like on Roketfy, but not on Alura.

Smart Feature Alura Doesn’t Have: Review Analysis 

To put it bluntly, we approach market research meticulously. This also applies to our other smart features for research and SEO. Comment Analytics is not only missing in Alura, but also in other tools we compete with. 

If you have a lot of comments on your products, or if you want to read customer reviews of competing stores and get reactions and topic-based insights, Review Analysis will be very useful for you. Screenshots from Roketfy AI Reviews

As you can see, you are clearly picking up the words that are coming out of the mouths of your potential customers. 


Roketfy and Alura have similar smart tools. Both tools are very useful for Etsy sellers and have been created with a lot of effort. If you are an Etsy seller, the following features should definitely be in the tool you are looking for: 

  • Keyword Research
  • Listing Checker
  • Review Analysis
  • Product Research

Proper market research will bring traffic and sales to your store. With Roketfy, you can both conduct market research for your Etsy shop and improve your SEO. You can use Roketfy for free and upgrade your plan if you are satisfied.