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10 Essential SEO Techniques for Ecommerce Websites

Are you looking to improve the eCommerce website for your Etsy Store and make it more visible in search engine results? SEO for eCommerce is the solution! In this post, we’ll review ten crucial eCommerce SEO strategies to raise your website’s search engine ranks, improve traffic, and boost sales.

10 Essential SEO Techniques for Ecommerce Websites

We’ll look at the best approaches for performing keyword research, optimizing on-page features, and using technical SEO techniques. We’ll also talk about how to improve eCommerce SEO by using social media optimization, local SEO, link building, and content marketing. We’ll also review the importance of analytics and user experience in eCommerce SEO and all the techniques’ don’ts.

But there’s more! We will also introduce Roketfy, a robust eCommerce SaaS SEO solution that can assist you in putting these strategies into practice and elevating your eCommerce Etsy website to the top of the search engine results pages. So come along as we examine the advantages of eCommerce SEO and how Roketfy may assist you in achieving eCommerce success.

Before discussing SEO for eCommerce, let’s first understand what you may sell and purchase on Etsy.

What can you Buy and Sell on Etsy?

Etsy has millions of buyers and sellers that buy and sell authentic handmade, produced, vintage, and creative goods, including everything from clothing and jewellery to home goods and craft materials. Businesses can offer their goods to a sizable customer base on Etsy. 

By utilizing SEO for eCommerce strategies, such as on-page optimization and keyword analysis, you may improve the visibility of your Etsy store and draw in new customers. Effective SEO can give you a competitive edge by enhancing your search engine rankings, increasing site traffic, and ultimately raising income. 

Etsy offers both small and large businesses a terrific opportunity to spotlight unique products and boost eCommerce sales. Starting with keyword research, the next part will discuss ten SEO tactics.

Keyword Research

Any effective eCommerce SEO plan begins with keyword research, and Etsy sellers are no different. When conducting keyword research, keep the following in mind:

Optimal Methods for Keyword Research

For Etsy sellers, the following are some efficient methods for conducting keyword research:

  • Initial brainstorming: List any term that comes to mind that is associated with your goods or services. Don’t be afraid to give unusual ideas some thought.
  • Using the search bar on Etsy: Check out the keywords that appear as you type a search query into Etsy’s search field. This can shed light on the terminology used in your industry.
  • Investigate your competitors: Take a peek at your competitors’ Etsy shops and see what keywords they’re using in their product names, labels, and descriptions. Please don’t copy them; use this intel to inform your keyword strategy
  • Use keyword research tools: Many tools are available for keyword research SEO for eCommerce, including Google’s Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Ahrefs. These resources can be used to discover additional keywords and investigate their usefulness, difficulty, and popularity.

The don’ts of keyword research for Etsy Sellers

Now that you know of what you need to do to build a successful Etsy account, let’s move on to some things you absolutely must not do when conducting keyword research:

  • Do not overuse keywords: Your Etsy store’s rankings may be lowered by black hat SEO strategies like keyword stuffing. Instead, evenly naturally distribute keywords across your writing.
  • Do not overlook your audience’s online habits: When choosing pertinent keywords, it is crucial to comprehend your audience’s search habits. Consider their preferences, language, and hobbies when constructing your keyword approach.
  • Don’t forget to track your results: Since keyword research is a continuous activity, it’s essential to keep an eye on the findings to gauge how well your keyword strategy is working. Analytical tools can track sales, conversion rates, and internet traffic.

Etsy sellers can improve their search engine rankings and drive more traffic to their shops by avoiding these common mistakes and taking a strategic approach to keyword research.

On-Page Optimization

Search engine optimization for your Etsy shop’s pages is called on-page optimization. This entails adding relevant keywords to your product titles, descriptions, tags, and photos. 

Finding the best strategy is the key to effective on-page SEO. Therefore, for optimal practices, raise your: 

  • Merchandise and product names: Don’t hesitate to use original product titles. Ensure the relevant keywords are included while also making them memorable and attention-grabbing. For instance, consider “luxurious lavender soap bar for spa-like showers” instead of “handmade soap.”
  • Merchandise descriptions: Consider the opportunity to share a story about your product in your product descriptions. Describe how it was created, where the components are from, and what makes the item unique. And don’t forget to mix in some pertinent keywords!
  • Image quality: Images of your products should be of the highest quality to showcase them in the best possible way. Don’t forget to use the tags and descriptive file names to optimize them. Additionally, include some lifestyle pictures showing your product in action.
  • Tags: Use tags for your product that appropriately represent it and are standard search terms. Avoid stuffing your titles with meaningless keywords, which will harm your SEO attempts.
  • Subject and headings: Clear headers and subheadings will help to divide up your product listing. This makes reading simpler and makes it easier for search engines to understand how your material is organized. Additionally, it helps you to employ attention-grabbing headlines!

Don’ts for Etsy Sellers When Optimizing Pages:

On-page optimization is a key component of any eCommerce SEO plan. However, Etsy merchants should avoid the following errors while optimizing their product pages:

  • Don’t use duplicate work. In addition to confusing users, duplicate material can hurt your search engine rankings. Always writing original product descriptions is advised by SEO for eCommerce, as is avoiding plagiarism.
  • Don’t neglect internal linking strategy. Internal links spread link equity among your pages and aid users in navigating your website. Make sure your article contains pertinent internal links.
  • Avoid using small fonts or difficult-to-read fonts: It’s crucial to make sure the wording in your listing is readable and appealing to the eye. Do not use tiny typefaces or font sizes.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO improves your Etsy shop’s performance, navigation, and other technical elements. Technical SEO can be difficult, but ensuring your store is straightforward for search engines to crawl and understand is necessary. In the end, this can raise your visibility and search engine rankings.

Optimal Techniques for Technical SEO 

Are you prepared to improve the technical SEO of your Etsy store? Here are some helpful techniques to make technical SEO more useful:

  • Be prepared: Managing your Etsy shop may be pleasurable, like organizing your room. Improve search engine rankings by using distinct categories and breadcrumbs to direct people through your store.
  • Optimize web speed: Don’t let slow-loading pages ruin your customers’ purchasing experience. Make your Etsy business lightning-fast by optimizing your images, utilizing a CDN, and cleaning up your code!
  • Prioritize mobile surfing: These days, everyone uses their phone for everything. So use responsive design and test your Etsy shop on various screens to ensure it looks fantastic on mobile devices.
  • Make use of a schema map: Make your Etsy shop even more appealing to search engines. Offer your Etsy site visitors all the information they require about your goods, including client feedback, retail prices, and stock levels, and watch your visibility and search engine results skyrocket.

The Don’ts of Technical SEO for Etsy Sellers:

Technical SEO refers to the improvements made in the background that can improve how well search engines crawl and index your website. In terms of technical SEO, the following blunders should be avoided by Etsy sellers:

  • Avoid using URLs containing pointless or perplexing character combinations: Make sure your URLs are clear and descriptive so that both people and search engines can comprehend what the website is about.
  • Don’t forget broken links: Broken links can degrade the user experience and hurt your search ranking. Use a broken link checker to find and fix broken links on your website.
  • Don’t neglect to use header tags: Header tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) help arrange your material and offer search engines a better picture of your page’s structure. Use header tags appropriately to improve your search ranking.

Content Marketing

With content marketing, you create and share useful content that appeals to and engages your target audience. For Etsy sellers, this can be blog entries with images or audio, social media posts, and product descriptions.

Techniques to Try for Content Marketing

Do you want to up your content marketing and SEO game as an Etsy seller? Here are some entertaining and valuable ideas to get you going:

  • Blogging about your goods: Use your blog to discuss your goods and to impart guidance on your specialized subject. This can raise your shop’s search engine ranks and increase traffic.
  • Make use of social media: Utilize social media to promote your blog and merchandise.
  • Make videos: Moving pictures are becoming increasingly trendy and may be an excellent method to display your products and provide your audience with helpful information. Consider making videos that are instructional, behind-the-scenes, or showcase products.
  • Use email marketing: Use email to promote your products, send blog posts, and give subscribers special offers or discounts.

The following are some content marketing don’ts for Etsy sellers:

Although content marketing is a potent tool for enhancing your eCommerce SEO strategy, it’s crucial to avoid several common errors that Etsy sellers frequently commit. 

  • Don’t only produce material for SEO purposes. While it’s crucial to incorporate pertinent keywords in your content, it’s also important to create material that benefits your audience.
  • Don’t create content that is overtly promotional: Your material shouldn’t be overtly promotional and should instead add value to your viewers. Put your energy into producing material that informs, amuses, or teaches your audience.
  • Never ignore promotion. If you do not actively promote it, even the best material will not be effective. Use outbound marketing, inbound marketing, social media, email marketing, and other channels to publicize your content and increase its audience.

Link Building

Acquiring links from other sites to yours is link building. Ensuring high-quality backlinks can enhance search engine ranks and increase website traffic, ultimately enhancing sales in the context of SEO for Etsy eCommerce shops.

Although link building might be intimidating, it is crucial for eCommerce companies trying to raise their search engine rankings and increase traffic. Some effective techniques for building high-quality backlinks are listed below:

  • Posting as a Guest: To guest post, you must provide excellent material for other websites in your sector and include a link to your website in the text or author bio. This raises your brand’s authority and increases visitors to your eCommerce website.
  • Broken Link Building: Broken link building entails looking for broken links on other websites and supplying links to your website in exchange. This can facilitate networking with other website owners and acquiring high-quality backlinks.
  • Influencer Outreach: Reach out to trendy influencers in your industry and offer to collaborate on content or social media posts that include links to your eCommerce site. This can help you tap into their audience and build high-quality backlinks.
  • Skyscraper Technique: This strategy involves producing superior content than what is already offered on competing websites in your industry, then contacting those websites and requesting a link back to your website in exchange for their use of your content.
  • Resource Link Building: Resource link building involves creating high-quality, informative resources such as infographics, ebooks, and whitepapers that other websites will want to link to as a reference. This can help you acquire high-quality backlinks and establish yourself as an authority in your industry.

Remember that building high-quality backlinks takes effort and patience. Put your efforts into producing valuable, shareable content, networking with other website owners, and offering value to your target market. These efforts will eventually pay off through a higher search engine ranking and more people visiting your eCommerce site.

  • Buying links: Your eCommerce SEO efforts could be harmed by a penalty from search engines if you purchase links or participate in link exchange programs.
  • Using link schemes or black hat SEO techniques: Websites that use link schemes or other unethical SEO methods are penalized by Google. Avoid purchasing links, participating in link farms, or other dubious link-building techniques.
  • Using exact match anchor text excessively: Exact match anchor text, or text that matches your target keyword, can look unnatural to search engines and harm your search ranking. Use anchor texts, including branded and generic terms, to avoid over-optimization.

Local SEO

A website’s online presence is improved through local SEO to draw in more local customers. eCommerce websites can use local SEO as a formidable strategy to target potential customers in particular geographic areas and boost site traffic.

Ensure the firm name, address, phone number, and operating hours on your Etsy stores’ website are up-to-date and accurate. You should include keywords specific to your business location in your content, titles, and meta descriptions.

Guidelines for Local SEO 

Your company can use local SEO for eCommerce websites to boost traffic and sales by doing the following:

  • Make Google My Business (GMB) profiles and optimize them.
  • Include a listing for your company in local and online directories.
  • Customers should be encouraged to post online reviews.
  • Adapt website content to regional search terms.
  • Utilize URLs and landing pages that are region-specific.

By implementing these local SEO strategies, your Etsy eCommerce websites can improve their visibility in local search results and attract more relevant traffic and potential customers.

The Don’ts of Local SEO for your Etsy Store

  • Don’t disregard client testimonials: Customer reviews are essential for local SEO since they can raise your search ranking and give prospective customers social evidence. Customers should be encouraged to post evaluations, and bad reviews should be handled politely and helpfully.
  • Don’t forget to mention where your website is located in the content: Search engines and website visitors can learn more about your location and the places you service by including it in the content of your website.

Social Media Optimization

Increasing the exposure and reach of your brand on social media platforms requires social media optimization or SMO. It can assist eCommerce websites with traffic generation, brand enhancement, and consumer interaction.

Your social media profiles should be optimized. Before beginning SEO for eCommerce, decide which social media networks are most appropriate for your target market and company. Make sure your profiles are thorough, precise, and eye-catching. This entails utilizing top-notch photos and videos, inserting pertinent keyword phrases, and including connections to your online store.

Optimization Techniques for Social Media 

Following are some tips on how to use social media to raise traffic and sales effectively:

  • Create valuable, informative, and relevant material for your target audience. Doing this will establish your brand as an authority in your niche and boost its reputation.
  • Get your audience involved by encouraging your fans to offer their opinions and feedback by swiftly responding to comments and messages.
  • Use hashtags to increase the exposure of your postings on your website and social media.
  • Offer discounts or special deals: Use social media to promote discounts or special offers to attract your followers to purchase.
  • Analytics monitoring Utilize social media analytics tools to monitor the success of your social media campaigns and then adjust your strategy as needed.

Optimizing your social media profiles and using best practices to engage with your audience can drive more traffic and sales to your Etsy eCommerce website.

The Don’ts of Social Media Optimization for Your Etsy Store:

  • Don’t disregard social media platforms: Be present on suitable social media sites, and make sure your profiles are search engine optimized.
  • Don’t overpromote: While social media may be a fantastic tool for promoting your items, balance that promotion and audience engagement.
  • Don’t overlook visual content: Include photographs and videos in your social media plan, as they may be pretty engaging on social media.

 User Experience

Since user experience directly impacts visitor behaviour and the possibility that they will make a purchase, it is essential for Etsy’s SEO for eCommerce websites. Positive website user experiences can boost traffic, lower bounce rates, and increase revenues. 

When optimizing eCommerce websites for a better user experience, attention must be paid to page speed, mobile responsiveness, simple navigation, clear and concise product information, and speedy checkout procedures.

The Best User Experience Practices 

The following techniques enhance user experience and boost eCommerce SEO for your Etsy store.

  • Conduct user testing to pinpoint the website’s user experience’s weak points and potential improvement areas.
  • Review and solicit customer comments to incorporate into the website’s design and functionality.
  • Maintain a current and user-friendly website by regularly updating and improving it.
  • Make mobile optimization a top priority to ensure the website is accessible and straightforward for mobile devices.

The Don’ts of User Experience for Your Etsy Store:

  • Don’t overlook page load times; optimize your store for quick loads because they can hurt your UX and SEO efforts.
  • Don’t ignore accessibility: By adhering to accessibility best practices, you can ensure that your Etsy store is usable by people with impairments.
  • Use interstitials and pop-ups sparingly: Interstitials and pop-ups can ruin the user experience and increase bounce rates. Ensure they are not intrusive or challenging to close, and use them rarely.

Analytics and Tracking

Analytics and tracking are essential for evaluating the success of your SEO through eCommerce methods and pinpointing areas that require improvement. 

To determine whether your eCommerce SEO methods have been successful, you must track crucial metrics, including website traffic, keyword positioning, conversion rates, bounce rates, and page load times. An effective tool like Google Analytics can provide illuminating data on these metrics. 

The benefits of eCommerce SEO in this scenario are that by looking at these indications, you can identify which pages are working well and which need improvement.

Best Practices For Tracking And Analytics 

  • Use analytics data to fine-tune website content and optimize product pages for higher search rankings to increase sales and enhance your SEO for eCommerce.
  • Focus on improving such pages for top-performing keywords to improve search rankings.
  • Utilize analytics to spot parts of your website where visitors are leaving and make the required changes to lower bounce rates.
  • Track user activity on the website to find areas where the user experience can be improved.
  • Analyze conversion rates to find areas where the checkout process or product pages might be improved to boost sales.
  • Use data to identify high-selling products, then create targeted marketing efforts to promote them.
  • Review and evaluate data frequently to stay current on trends and modify SEO techniques as necessary.

The Don’ts of Analytics and Tracking for Your Etsy Store:

The drawbacks of eCommerce SEO are the flip side, and they could cost your company a lot of money. Here are some of the don’ts:

  • Stay away from vanity metrics: Page views and social media likes are vanity metrics that may not accurately reflect actual revenue growth. Instead, concentrate on key performance indicators like conversion rates, average order value, and revenue directly influencing your bottom line.
  • Mobile should not be overlooked. Because more and more customers are utilizing their mobile devices to explore and buy online, you must keep track of your mobile traffic and optimize your site for mobile users.
  • Don’t forget about the competition, please. Keep an eye on your rivals’ eCommerce SEO and marketing tactics, then use analytics to compare how well you’re doing.
  • Don’t make decisions based on a single data point. While paying attention to individual metrics is essential, don’t make significant decisions based on a single data point. Instead, look for trends and patterns over time to make more informed decisions about your eCommerce SEO and marketing strategies.

eCommerce SEO Tools

Any online merchant hoping to boost their website’s search engine ranks, increase traffic, and boost sales needs eCommerce SEO tools. Some of the top tools for Etsy eCommerce SEO are listed below:

  1. Google Analytics offers comprehensive website traffic, user activity, and sales information. Track vital statistics using it, including bounce rate, time on page, and conversion rate.
  2. Keyword research, competitor analysis, backlink analysis, and other SEO services are all provided by SEMrush. It is most effective to draw attention to highly effective keywords, tracking your search engine rankings, and improve your content for increased search visibility.
  3. Ahrefs is a well-known SEO tool that offers capabilities for competitor analysis, keyword research, and in-depth examination of your website’s backlink profile. Use it to track your website’s search engine rankings and find chances for link development.
  4. Yoast SEO is a WordPress plugin that offers advice on on-page optimization and content evaluation. Use it to check that the pages and posts on your website are optimized for the terms and phrases that are most pertinent to your target audience.

Best Practices for eCommerce SEO Tools 

  • Here are some methods for using eCommerce SEO tools to raise the SEO of your website:
  • To find high-value keywords and phrases, conduct in-depth keyword research utilizing SEMrush and Ahrefs.
  • Utilize Google Analytics to track user activity and traffic on your website, and use that information to inform your decisions. 
  • Analyze your competitors’ websites using tools like SEMrush and Ahrefs to identify opportunities for link-building and content creation.
  • Use tools like Yoast SEO to optimize your website’s on-page content for better search visibility.

The Don’ts of eCommerce SEO Tools for your Etsy Store:

Various tools are available to help you optimize your Etsy store and raise your search engine rankings, which is one benefit of eCommerce SEO. But it’s crucial to use these tools sensibly and avoid typical mistakes. The following are some eCommerce SEO tools and don’ts for your Etsy store:

  • Don’t  rely just on one piece of software: While programs like Google Analytics, SEMrush, and Ahrefs can help you optimize your online store, it’s crucial to employ a variety of programs to obtain a thorough picture of your SEO performance.
  • Don’t neglect the data: Although tools can offer a wealth of information, it is up to you to examine it and utilize it to guide your SEO strategy. Ensure you know the metrics you are measuring and use them to guide your actions.
  • Don’t become fixated on rankings: Don’t get too focused on rankings, even if it’s only natural to want to see your Etsy store at the top of search engine results pages. Instead, focus on making your website as relevant to your target demographic as possible.
  • Don’t ignore your clients: Your eCommerce SEO efforts should ultimately be concentrated on adding value to your customers’ experiences. Never compromise the user experience in the name of higher search rankings.

Can and Should You Use Software to Boost Your Etsy Sales?

You may save time, improve your listings, and boost your income by using software to increase your Etsy sales. Roketfy is a potent program made especially for Etsy sellers that helps speed up listings, boost sales, and save time. 

With the Listing Checker, you can effortlessly optimize your listings and improve your shop’s search rankings. The Product Research tool allows users to find profitable products in every category using intelligent filters. Roketfy AI Reviews transforms customer feedback into valuable insights. The Roketfy AI Writer generates SEO-friendly descriptions ten times faster.

By reducing work, saving time and money, finding successful ideas more quickly, and eventually increasing sales, software like Roketfy may assist Etsy sellers. You may grow your Etsy business and succeed in eCommerce by utilizing clever technologies and data-driven insights.


In conclusion, applying the ten crucial SEO for eCommerce tactics can significantly increase your Etsy account’s visibility and success. Among the strategies we’ve looked at are improving your site’s user experience, optimizing your product listings, harnessing social media, constructing high-quality backlinks, and more.

Tools like Roketfy help maximize your sales potential while streamlining the process and minimizing your efforts. Sign up and take advantage of the free trial as soon as possible.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that eCommerce SEO is a continuous process that needs continuing oversight and revisions. You may take advantage of eCommerce SEO’s long-term benefits by keeping up with the most recent developments and best practices. You can improve your search engine results, boost traffic, and eventually increase revenue with hard work and the appropriate strategy.